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April 23, 2008 Breaking News

Slice Of Scifi VidCast

Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:43:11 PDT
Entertaining and informative scifi news and features. Done by geeks for geeks.

When Moms Blog…

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:45:51 PDT
When you are a mom, it is somehow a great comfort to read about the everyday lives of other moms. It makes you feel more in tune, more normal, and a lot less alone. I’m not sure I would have said I liked to read about the day-to-day musings of a mom before I had my own daughter, but I can sure say it now. I love to read blogs written by Mommy Bloggers. Looking at the demographics of this blog’s traffic, there is a reasonable chance that if you are reading this right now, you are also a mom.

Canadian socialist IRONY DU JOUR: CBC calls Zimbabwe’s media “state-run”

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:35:21 PDT
Canadian socialist IRONY DU JOUR: CBC calls Zimbabwe’s media “state-run” This morning, the state-run, state-owned CBC Newsworld state-media employed news anchor, Suhana Meharchand, referred to Zimbabwe’s “state-run news media” and how they are accusing the political opposition of treason. Canada’s state-owned, state-run CBC never refers to itself that way! Now. Countdown to liberals and sundry leftist and downright Marxist CBC apologists emailing me those seething reprimands insisting

Morning News Roundup - Wednesday April 23

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:44:24 PDT
Category: Peru Peru tourism developing too quickly Peru has seen huge growth in its tourism recently, and Peru’s president seems to be backing the boom that has celebrities paying almost a thousand dollars a...more]

The gays love blogs

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:41:41 PDT
Gays and lesbians report higher blog use SUMMARY: More than half of gay adults read blogs, and almost a quarter write their own. if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object(); window.yzq_d'gH6nCEWTWUo-']=’&U=127iac149%2fN%3dgH6nCEWTWUo-%2fC%3d-1%2fD%3dRMP%2fB%3d-1′; Fifty-one percent of gay and lesbian adults who use the Internet regularly read blogs, while just 36 percent of heterosexuals do, according to a Harris Interactive and Witeck-Combs Communications poll conduc

Fashion Bites April 22 - 27, 2008

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:43:45 PDT
Welcome to Fashion Bites, a weekly round-up of fashion news in Toronto. Buy Design is on this Saturday, April 26, 2008. Dress in your best Studio 54 outfit and grab a ticket to help the Windfall Clothing Service, Canada's only new clothing bank. Tickets are $75. If you buy 5 you get 1 free. TFI's new labels Fashion Design Competition and Fundraiser kicks off the Elle Show on Thursday, April 24. Guest tickets are still available for $50. Find out who wins the New Labels contest while raising f

Crude Oil “Surges” To All New High

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 08:58:06 PDT
Crude prices “Surged” Tuesday to an all new high of $113 a barrel as the dollar furthers it’s downward trend against the Euro.

TFN NEWS BRIEFING: TMT highlights to 15:40 BST - Forbes

TFN NEWS BRIEFING: TMT highlights to 15:40 BST
Forbes, NY - 1 hour ago
(nasdaq: ZBRA - news - people ), which makes bar code and Whitchurch, is retiring on June 30 and will be replaced by Michael C. Smiley. Exar Corp. ...

Public: Don't Mess With My Flight Plans

Sun, 13 Aug 2006 11:58:25 PDT
"Pretty soon we'll have to fly naked!" The mass media rapidly embraced the UK terror storyline fed to them. The BBC, CNN, CBC Newsworld and other all-news broadcasters covered scarcely anything but the narrowly averted catastrophe throughout the day. Funny thing, but the general public wasn't buying it. The reaction was surprisingly cynical...

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